5ive things I shouldn’t want, but I do:

1.  A stalker.  (A hot stalker who hides in the bushes, shows up unexpectedly, blows up my phone, and will stay obsessed with me no matter how many times I fuck and ignore her and fuck her friends.  And not any wack ass Internet stalker either.)
2.  To be the other man.  (Nice guys finish last.  Sometimes I want to embrace the bastard in me and let the darker/less moral aspects of my personality come out front and center.)
3.  To piss in and on a bitch.  (Don’t ask me why?)
4.  A father figure/mentor/role model.
5.  At least triple the amount of regular comments I currently get.

5ive Smurfs you’ve never heard of:

1.  Baby Daddy Smurf  (Who dat is?  That’s just my Baby Daddy Smurf.)
2.  Junkie Smurf  (He’ll suck your Smurf!)
3.  Zombie Smurf  (Dopey used to be in MENSA before Zombie nibbled on his brains.)
4.  Prison Bitch Smurf  (He’s never out of jail for more than a couple of hours.)
5.  Stalker Smurf (If he can’t have you then no Smurf can.)

5ive things gang bangers can fight over other than colors:

1.  Puppies.
2.  Candy.
3.  Cell phone providers.
4.  Care Bears.
5.  Hair styles.

5ive wrestling holds/moves I’d love to randomly apply to unsuspecting people:

1.  Figure four leg lock.
2.  Chair shot.
3.  Backstabber/Code Breaker.
4.  Clothesline.
5.  Knife edge chop (followed by a loud Ric Flair “whooo!”)

5ive children songs Lil Wayne & T-Pain have yet to rape & bastardize with a wack ass remix:

1.  Frère Jacques.
2.  Mary Had a Little Lamb.
3.  Patty Cake.
4.  Old MacDonald.
5.  Bingo.