(http://freakytopia NULL.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/gonefishin NULL.jpg)

gonefishin (http://freakytopia NULL.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/gonefishin NULL.jpg)

Not a whole hell of a lot has been going on around here  or blogdom in general.  In fact, things have been kind of dull, boring, lackluster, and stagnant for awhile now so I’m going to bounce  and take a hiatus from blogging for the time being.  You’ll probably still see the lights on around Freakytopia as I’m almost certain I’ll find something on my blog to tinker with or update, a draft to create or work on,  some posts just for my eyes only, change the proclamation for shits & giggles, or some lurkers to slam the ban hammer down on (I got my eyes on several of you bastards to ban over the weekend).

I’ve been doing this off and on for about eight years from Diaryland to Dead Journal to Blogger and now self publishing. I’ve always heard that writers or people that want to be writers write so I took 2008 as a personal challenge.  I didn’t post something every single day of the year which I had seriously considered doing (methinks those days are well behind me) but I still considered my challenge was successfully met. The writing has been on the wall for awhile now but I’ve been either unwilling to acknowledge it or just flat out ignoring it.  The community has been shrinking and slowly dying off, choking on apathy, intermingling,  inbreeding, lurkers, and the peaks and valleys of life in general. I’ve been wondering for some time if I’ve finally told all the stories that the voices in my head had to say and I wanted to share.  I don’t know.  I do know that blogging hasn’t been all that entertaining or interesting for me for at least the past year. It’s a shame because I actually used to look forward to it.  *shrugs*  Oh well, what will be will be.  Maybe stepping away for a little while will remind me of why I used to love doing this and stir my creativity and recharge my passion. Maybe finding some new booty to read and interact with is what I need.  Maybe it’s just time for me to raise both of my middle fingers and move along to a new corner of the Internet to play.

That is all.  Dismissed.


the Ghost of Freaky