Do you really care about the environment?: To an extent but not a great one anyway.  Basically, I wouldn’t go out of my way or pay for more expensive alternate solutions to help the environment.  Honestly as long as it holds up in my lifetime I couldn’t really give a fuck what happens to it after I’m dead.

Have you ever parked in a handicapped spot?: Yes.  I’ve done it once, unknowingly when I was younger.  It was confusing to tell what kind of space it was due to the paint and multiple sets of lines.  Now I do it whenever I drive my mom around.

Have you ever driven in a carpool lane while alone in your car?: We don’t have carpool lanes here and I think the whole concept is kind of stupid so if we did and I didn’t see any cops I just might.

Did you ever fake it in bed?: Yes, I’ve faked it before.  I didn’t want to hurt her feelings and I was ready for it to be over.

Do you believe you are better looking than all of your friends?: I can’t even tell you the last time I saw any of my friends but assuming there were no horrible accidents I’d say no.

Have you ever exaggerated the number of women/men you slept with?: I don’t think so.  If anything I tend to subtract rather than add.  Not that I’ve slept with that many women.

Do you owe a friend money that you have no intention of paying back?: I don’t normally borrow money from friends, if I did it would be a small amount anyway that I know I’m capable of paying back in a timely manner.  In general, I’d rather do without then to be beholden to someone else.

If you saw your friend’s spouse with another woman/man would you tell them?: It depends on the situation and circumstances.  If my friends spouse was all groping up on the other person, swapping spit, etc. then yeah I’d snap a pic, drop a dime, and snitch on them before they could even say, “Oh shit I know him!”

Are you more comfortable around friends that are not as attractive as you?: If they’re my friends shouldn’t I be comfortable around them regardless?  However, since this is the moment of truth I’ll be brutally honest.  Sure I’m more comfortable.  I like being the best so if by some chance I happen to be the best looking friend it wouldn’t really bother me.

Do you think you are smarter than your girlfriend/boyfriend?: Honestly, I think I’m smarter than most people I come across in life.  I’ve always thought that way.  I don’t know how I’d feel if that wasn’t the case.  I think she’d say I was smarter but for the record I think she’s a smart cookie and is definitely smarter than she gives herself credit for.

Have you ever thought that your parents would be better off divorced?: Well considering they are divorced I’d have to say yes.  I don’t think either of them were ready to be married in the first place and they definitely weren’t really ready to married to each other.

Do you think that you are smarter than your parents?: In some aspects, yes.  As I said before I honestly think I’m smarter than most people I know, have known, or will ever know.

Did you ever throw a party at your parents’ house without their knowledge?: Nope.  I’ve never really been a party person and honestly I’ve never really wanted that many people in my house at one time.  I’m good.

Do you think your parents did a good job raising you?: I think my mom did the best she could with what she knew and had.  It’s not like I was or am the easiest person in the world to deal with.  Besides I was the first born and the first born always has it harder.  If I ever wrote a tell all book I wouldn’t trash her in it so I guess she didn’t okay.

Do you like your mother more than your father?: Of course I do.  She was raised, he pretty much did nothing.  Advantage mama.

Do you believe your parents are proud of you?: Sometimes.

Have you ever wished you were born into a different family?: Yes.  I’ve always wished that I had a bigger family, immediate and extended.  I wish that I had a father that was involved to teach me the things I still haven’t figured out yet or that took me longer than it would have with a male influence/role model.  Things would’ve been different and I’ve always been the type that dreams out what could’ve been.

Do you believe your parents favor your sibling more than you?: Growing up I did.  In fact I’d say I’m sure of it.  I believe every parent who has multiple children favors one of them.  Any parent who says that he or she doesn’t is damn dirty liar in my book.  Now, not so much.

Do you respect your father?: Not in the least.  He wasn’t around to earn that respect and I’m unwilling to ever give him a chance to.

Have you ever stolen from your parents?: Oh yeah!

Do you think you are better looking than your sibling(s)?: Well, I only know what one of my siblings look like and my sister is definitely better looking than me.

Would you report a family member to the cops if they had committed a crime?: Depends on the family member, what they did, and to whom.

Do you think you are a good role model for your children?: As far as I know I don’t have any children so it’s not applicable.

Do you think you have what it takes to be a good mother/father?: Beats the hell out of me. I’m honestly not sure.  Sometimes I think I would be and sometimes I think I’m too much like dear old dad.

Would you be happy with yourself if you turned out like your mother/father?: Well considering I’m displaying more personality traits of my parents with each passing year I don’t really have much of a choice.

Would you say your mother is a great cook?: My mom has skills in the kitchen.  I’m too finicky and the range of foods I like are too limited in my opinion to call anyone a great cook but she’s my favorite cook and the best I know.  She’s good enough for me.

Would you be happy to marry a man/woman who is just like your mom/dad?: I don’t think I’ll ever find a woman like my mom but if it happened then yes I’d be happy.

Do you dislike small children?: I dislike small children, tweens, teenagers, etc.  I think what I dislike most is the poor parenting of said children.  Parents are to blame for the sorry state of their rude, selfish, out of control children.  I think most children need to be hit and that they need to be hit a lot more than they generally are.  That time out shit would never fly in my house.

Do you secretly think babies are ugly?: No.  I think most babies are fucking adorable!

Have you ever thought your spouse was boring?: Don’t have a spouse.  I’ve had girlfriends that have bored me but I don’t think I considered them boring in general.  Now there were some chicks I was trying to get to know that I thought were boring as watching paint dry.

Have you lied on your resume?: Yes, I have.

Do you really believe you’re going to have a successful career?: no

Have you taken credit for someone else’s work?: No, I give and take credit where it’s due.

Have you ever spied on your co-workers in the bathroom?: Um eww!  I just try to get in and out.  I don’t need to know what anyone is doing in the bathroom and I don’t want to know.

Have you ever called in sick to work when you really weren’t?: Not really.  If I call in I’m usually sick.  Maybe I could’ve have just told them I’d be late because I wasn’t doubled over sick and knew I’d probably feel better in a few hours but I think I’ve always been under the weather when I’ve called in.

Do you love your job more than sex?: Da fuck?!  Unless my name is on the stationary and building, one should live to work and not work to live.  The answer to that questions is a resounding hell fuck naw!

Have you ever disliked someone for being more successful than you?: I’ve been envious but I don’t know if I can say I disliked someone solely because they were more successful.

Do you think you drive a more expensive car than you can truly afford?: I wish it was a bit cheaper but I can afford what I drive.

Are you jealous of people with more money than you?: I’m envious to the point I want to run up on them with a slapjack and relieve them of some their money.  Either that or blackmail them out of some.

Do you believe wives must serve their husbands?: What type of serving are we talking about?  If it’s the ass, pussy, and throat kind then definitely.  I don’t know about the whole serving thing but any woman who has plans of marrying me will have to say that she will obey me in her vows.  Otherwise she can just be one of my baby mamas.  I’m not willing to compromise that point.

Have you ever snooped through your girlfriends/boyfriends things?: I sure have.  Chances are I will if I’m bored, curious, or suspicious enough to want to or feel the need to.

Do you always wash your hands after using the restroom?: Every single time?  Nope.  Most of the time?  Yes.

Is there a body part on your significant other that you dislike?: A body part?  You mean like a third nipple or a dick?  Um, no.

Do you wish you were still single?: Only when hot chicks hit on me.  What?!  Do you know how annoying it is that chicks don’t even seem to notice you until you’re off the market?  If things don’t work out I’m going to do what my best friend says and by myself a wedding band to pick up all the chicks looking for married men or no strings attached dick.