5ive tattoos I never want to see again:

1.  Butterflies
2.  Lips
3.  Strawberries
4.  Eyes
5.  Tongues

5ive porno versions of Samuel L. Jackson film titles:

1. Pulp Friction
2. Black Snake Moan (didn’t even have to change that one but if I did…) Black Snake Bone
3. One-Eyed Snakes on a Plane
4. Formula 69
5. Deep Blue Semen

5ive rejected titles of Dr. Suess books:

1. The Cat in the Hat is in Heat
2. Cindy Lou Who can Suck it too
3. Little Laddie, I am NOT your Daddy!
4. One Bitch, Two Bitch, Dead Bitch, Blue Bitch
5. The Grinch’s 12 inches

5ive books I’d like to write:

1. Freaky Deaky’s Guide to Life.
2. How to Raise your Kids the Freaky Deaky Way
3. Father Flanigan’s Boy’s Club
4. Manhoeing for Dummies
5. The Art of Hoebedience (Make her act right)

5ive Olympic events I want to see & judge:

1. Lapdancing (individual, doubles, team, & synchronized, motherfuckers!)
2. Oil wrestling (single, tag, and six-man [well six-woman])
3. Ass (I shouldn’t have to say anymore.  Bouncing, clapping, cracking open walnuts, etc.)
4. Dick sucking (bring your throat game and swallow for the gold, damn it!)
5. Stripping

What are your 5ives?  Do you have a list 5ive you’d like me to do?  It can be serious, funny, just plain weird, or whatever.  Let me know and maybe I’ll do it in the future.  Have a good, safe, and fun weekend.